Ticket Booking

Book Train Ticket Online

Book your train ticket online

You may now easily order tickets online for any train, service level, rail route or destination. There is no need to worry about the Status of your reservation as we are your reliable partner in offering quick, secure, easy, and dependable services.

Reasons to book your ticket with us

Secure and easy-to-use platforms we avail a secure platform for online general train ticket booking.
  • Real-Time information

    We offer swift customer service if there are any issues with the ticket.

  • Prompt customer support

    We offer swift customer service if there are any issues with the ticket.

  • Get a genuine train ticket.

    Booking a general train ticket online using Quick Tatkal is guaranteed to be legitimate and not a fake or cancelled ticket. This assists in avoiding any issues or fines while travelling.

Casback On Online Tain Booking
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PNR Status Checking App

Get your general ticket on our Mobile App.

On our website, you can select General Booking . The ability to change the departure date is the significant advantage of our general train ticket booking online reservation. With an additional fee, you can postpone or prepone Waitlisted/RAC/Confirmed tickets on a higher class or the same class travel. This function is accessible once per user for a reservation for waitlisted and RAC tickets. We provide you with all the required features and support for changing your train journey dates.

Inquiry about your PNR status

When you book your train ticket on our platform, you get a unique 10-digit number to track your confirmation status, known as PNR. Whether you are using our web or mobile app portal, you can inquire about your PNR status of the online general train ticket bookingthat contains information regarding passengers, journey details, and current ticket status. We can keep you updated on your PNR status through email and SNS.

Get the real-time Status of your selected train.

Please browse our website or mobile app portal, log into your account using your login info and access your train status. Enter your train number or name, and select the travel date before getting the Status. The selected train's current Status will be real-time on the screen.

Steps to book your general class train ticket online

Now railway available ticket booking has become simple and efficient with Quick Tatkal. Just visit our online platform or mobile app portal to get on with the ticket booking status online process. Here are steps for you to onboard with the procedure:

  • Choose the date of your journey on the calendar, along with the destination and boarding stations.

  • Select the general class ticket booking and the trains available on that date

  • Add your user ID for booking your ticket

  • Choose from your selected payment option to complete payment to process your booking.

  • Enter all the required information before confirming the booking, and it will be processed instantly. 

Train Live Location Update
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What does general ticket reservation involve?

Purchasing train tickets for general class coaches is known as public ticket booking. The most economical and widely purchased form of a train ticket is a public class. It is accessible on the majority of trains and offers simple seating arrangements. The seats are not reserved and are often offered on a first-come, first-served basis.

What is the maximum number of general tickets one can book?

One can book up to six general monthly tickets. This cap is in place to stop ticket-scalping practices and provide fair access to tickets for all users.

At what age must children purchase a train ticket?

Purchasing a railway ticket is required for kids between the ages of 5 and 12 years old.

According to the time of cancellation, the charge fee can differ from a higher fee for cancellations made closer to the departure date. The fare paid less the cancellation fees is the amount refunded for a cancelled ticket.

train ticket booking
train ticket
ticket booking
online train ticket
online ticket booking
book online ticket

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